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Creates a new .FLU file and companion .FLD file with the base name that you provide.  It is not necessary to type in the extension.  The WinFlash editor is then opened ready to edit the first of the three "dummy" questions that were inserted when the file was created.  See Your First WinFlash Study File for further information on this topic.

Tip: When creating a new file, WinFlash uses the option settings currently in place.  If you want a new file created using the default options, close WinFlash and then reopen it just before creating the new file.  A handy trick is to create small template study files whose options are set to ones you commonly use.  Then when you want a new file with similar option settings, simply open and close one of these templates before creating your new file.  Voilà - a new file with the settings you wanted already in place!

Open... - Ctrl-o

This selection brings up a standard Open File dialog box. This dialog allows selection of files with the WinFlash-specific extensions .FLU, .FLS, .FLT and .FLZ. In addition, Explorer allows opening the HandyCards-specific extension .hc so that FlashcardExchange or HandyCards study files can be opened directly without having to be imported.

Important Note: Because WinFlash works with multiple file types, it is important to be able to see file extensions in the file-handling dialogs.  This attribute is controlled by a setting in My Computer.  If you DON'T see the .FLU, .FLS, .FLT and .FLZ extensions in the File|Open dialog, see Display Extensions in File Dialogs and Windows Explorer for instructions on how to change the settings on your computer.  In addition, the icons that represent each type of WinFlash file are slightly different:

As you can see, the icons have a different colored 'card' for each file type, white for .FLS files, black for .FLU files, blue for .FLZ files, red for .FLT files and green for .FLR files.  Use these colors as your cue when scanning the directory listing for files of the various types.

Open In Editor...

This selection brings up a standard Open File dialog box. This dialog only allows the selection of WinFlash .FLU and .FLS source files, as these are the only formats that can be edited. The selected file is then opened and loaded into the editor.

Save As...

Saves the current study file to the name that you specify.  The .FLU or .FLS extension is added automatically.  WinFlash then saves and closes the current file and opens the newly created copy. Only .FLU or .FLS files may be saved to a new name, since .FLT and .FLZ files must retain their original names in order to work properly.

File Statistics...

This selection displays a screen dialog showing the statistics on the current Q&A file, including:

Number of Q&A pairs, Number of Categories, Number of Priority and Disabled Pairs

Number of Unlearned, Short Term Learned and Long Term Learned Pairs

Correct/Incorrect count for the day and since last cleared

The dialog also contains reset buttons for the current day's statistics  and the long-term statistics.

In Educator there is also an Advanced... button that brings up another dialog containing options to display and/or print more detailed statistics.  See Advanced Statistics for more on this topic.

Subject Outline... *

This selection displays the Subject Outline tree view. We recommend using this control for all of your file creation, startup and organization activity.  See all of your files and their status at a glance with this powerful view.  See Subject Outline for more on this topic.

Printer Setup... *

Invokes the standard system Printer Setup dialog.


Print Tables... *

Invokes the Print Tables dialog - only enabled when there is a study file open.


Print Cards... *

Invokes the Print Cards dialog - only enabled when there is a study file open.


Exit This Q&A File - Ctrl-q

This selection closes the current Q&A file, saving all status information and returns WinFlash's menus to the "no open Q&A file" state, ready to open a new Q&A file.


Selecting this menu item exits WinFlash, closing and saving status information for the current Q&A file if one is open.

Tell A Friend About WinFlash...

We hope you'll use this one :-) It opens a new message in your e-mail client with a topic and sample text appropriate for telling a friend about our program.

Show Only File Names of Used Files

This menu item cycles between Show Only File Names of Used Files, Show Full Used File Paths and Show Short Used File Paths. The meaning of the first two is obvious, while the third shortens the path displayed so that only the drive and the top 3 directory levels are shown - e.g.  if the full path and filename of the file is C:\My Data\WinFlash\Biology\Semester 1\frogs.flu it will be displayed as C:\My Data\WinFlash\Biology\..\frogs.flu. There are two exceptions. If the file is located in a subdirectory of My WinFlash Files or Shared WinFlash Files then the path will be displayed as C:\..\My (or Shared) WinFlash Files followed by the full directory path and filename below My (or Shared) WinFlash Files.

Clear Used File List

Selecting this menu item clears all entries from the Recently Used File List

Recently Used File List

Any of up to nine most recently used files can be directly loaded by clicking on them in this list or by typing the corresponding number when the File menu is open.

* Scholar and Educator Only



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